EU TECH’s Position Papers and White Papers are carefully curated in collaboration with our Advocates to share technology-driven solutions and methods to solve some of the most challenging questions on how we can improve our lives.


Africa Alliance – September 2021


Overcoming challenges and competing successfully in the African marketplace are as important for today as for tomorrow. Africa can be described as a multilingual, multicultural, multi-ethnic and multiracial continent with over 55 countries, and deciding to make an investment in it can be challenging yet rewarding.

Doing business in Africa is exciting because it combines the science and art of business with many other disciplines, such as economics, anthropology, ‘geography, history, language, jurisprudence, statistics and demography. The primary types of business that external players can undertake in Africa are export-import trade and foreign direct investment (FDI). The business sector investment drivers include agriculture, energy, health, education, finance and environment, and advocate for greater diversity and inclusion in decision making for Africa to grow and thrive.


Climate Action Alliance – September 2021


Raising awareness for companies to become climate neutral through use of European technologies while contributing to the fulfillment of the UN SDGs at home but also where they have the biggest impact, in developing countries.

Climate change is affecting every country on every continent, disrupting national economies and affecting lives. Weather patterns are changing, sea levels are rising, and weather events are becoming more extreme.

The EU Tech Climate Action Commission aims to indicate good solutions and to initiate industry-wide cooperation for companies to become climate neutral using European technologies.


IOT Alliance

IOT Alliance – July 2021


Why the Internet of Things s so important? When something s connected to the Internet it means that this object can exchange data and information, or it can be remotely controlled.

The 10T has the power to transform every object in a “Smart Object”.

Therefore, an loT ecosystem consists of a set of smart objects connected to the Internet that, using microprocessors, sensors, protocols and transmission technologies, collects, sends and operates on the data acquired from their environments. Data are sent to the cloud for analysis or otherwise analyzed locally through an edge structure. loT devices can also communicate with each other. Human intervention i not necessary, and loT devices can work independently; human intervention will ~be required to manage configurations, give instructions and access data.


China Alliance – July 2021


In previous decades, China was one of the fastest growing economy in the world. Nowadays, China is the second largest economy in the world, and China is destined to remain an engine of domestic and global growth for years to come.

This ambition s also evident in Chinese governments recent 5-year development plan, which focusses more strongly than ever on the need to develop the ‘domestic markers.

While economies worldwide are struggling due to the Covid-19 outbreak, China is the only major economy t0 have expanded in 2020, with a 6.5% GDP growth in the final three months of the year.


LATAM Alliance – August 2021


Latin America i a rising star in the global economy. Insights presented here can help Latin American companies capitalize on growth opportunities inside and outside the region. It can also help international companies establish solid foundation and operate more efficiently in this market.

Latin America should be seen as a set of several individual markets rather than a single homogenous regional market, since each country has its own characteristics that can help a company in its search for regional and global growth.


mobility alliance

Mobility Alliance – September 2021

We consider mobility a fundamental human right because it is essential for people to come together as social beings. However, we have reached a point where we should no longer ignore the negative effects of current mobility. It s _therefore recommended that we rethink future mobility from a holistic perspective in order to achieve a basis for understanding both causes and effects and to be able to derive appropriate conclusions for the Necessary transformation.

The philosopher Hans Jonas formulated a premise for this new way of thinking more than 40 years again his book “The Imperative of Responsibility”: *Act so that the effects of your action are compatible with the permanence of genuine human life.”


Digital Transformation Alliance – July 2021

Technology has been disrupting many industries. However, technologies are evolving with time or new disciplines are entering the market every year. Today’s digital _technologies are deemed accelerators of innovation o enable transformation across all verticals. They can improve efficiency, power new products and Services, introduce new business models, blur the boundaries between Industries and lead to enhanced customer services. This has resulted in the birth of a new term digital transformation’, which is essentially the strategic adoption of digital technologies.


SDG Alliance

Ethics & SDGs Alliance – 2021

Organizations today operate in an increasingly dynamic, interdependent and global business environment, where competition is fast-paced and political uncertainty ultimately challenges sustainable business performance. Never has it been more crucial for sustained business success to consider business models through the eyes of customers. Next to mere financial performance, consumers today are ever more concerned about the societal and environmental impact of businesses.


Smart Cities Alliance – June 2021

We believe that creating industry-wide standardization across Europe for smart cities is essential to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

European Commission ~ programs and projects have proved that innovative technologies are readily available for use, and efficient implementations of renewable energies can be integrated into the urban environment with no fundamental obstacles.


Environment alliance

July 2021 – Environment Alliance

The global environmental crisis needs urgent attention, and not only from governmental or non governmental institutions or isolated effort from particular industries or sectors. It s a question of assuming an international position based on the conscience of every human being on the planet regardless of their social, racial, or economic status. The easiest and most consistent way to be a good citizen in an ecological culture I to actively work to solve the environmental problem in front of you.


DACH Alliance – September 2022


Every year, various entrepreneurs and international investors seek to expand their businesses into the German market. In addition to the country’s economy, what makes Germany attractive to the experts is its image. ‘Made in Germany’ still stands for quality, and people benefit from it

However, for Germany and its companies to maintain their innovative and pioneering position, young local companies should set their course and invest in the future to prepare for incalculable challenges. At the same time, starting a new business in Germany is linked o unique challenges for newcomers.


WIT Alliance

Women in Tech Alliance – 2021

The technology sector must identify and recognize the need for the inclusion of women by focusing on talent and female education to enable women to excel in all under represented positions, rather than promoting women i classical roles and based on political trends. EUTEC is clearly committed to bring gender equality to the top of the Agenda 2030. Therefore, the WIT Commission helps to create and promote new organization models(e.g. through Best Practices) and, thereby, sustainable opportunities for women, and aims to establish them through and beyond the EUTECH network.


2021 – Finance Alliance

It is an important moment for Europe and the whole world as we start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Vaccination campaigns have accelerated throughout Europe and businesses Start to show modest signs of recovery. However, we must be cautious.

Europe made significant efforts in 2020, but we need to think big and do even more. The private sector should implement the necessary measures to allow us to take European companies to a higher level. It should not only be about recovery from the Covid crisis but also about setting the foundation of a robust European business structure so that we can compete with our US and Chinese peers. We have identified a few areas where the private sector could lead by example:

For businesses that are still struggling and are in risk of insolvency or similar, we are very much in favor of a more flexible approach from European financial institutions Lo extend their lifeline f there are clear viability studies to back such financial support.