With my signature, I accept and support the mission and goals of EU Tech Chamber with the financial contribution as set
out and agreed above.
I accept that my advocacy commences with the day of submission of this online Advocate form and lasts for one year. I
accept that termination of the advocacy prior to the initial one year period is not possible. Advocacy will automatically be
extended each following year for another 12 months if I do not send a termination note to info@eutec.org 90 days before
the end of the period. Any dues will be unaffected, in the case that I wish to leave EU Tech Chamber as Advocate before
the regular termination date.
Failure to comply with the scheduled payments agreed upon during registration will result in force payment of the
remaining amount (current month until the end of the running advocacy year).
I agree that the data in connection with my Advocacy may be stored and transmitted to the EU Tech Chamber and its
subdivisions as far as is necessary for the usual support or proper execution of the contractual relations. I would also like
to receive electronic information, invitations, and news. I agree that my personal photos from events and my logo are can
be used by EU Tech Chamber.
I accept my Advocacy and agree to support EU Tech Chamber by paying the advocacy fees to EUTECC GmbH. Advocacy
does not imply a membership of the European Technology Chamber, an application for membership, or an offer of membership.
Validity: January 15, 2026